Terms of business

Terms of business - Shiitake-Shop

It's easy to order

You can order as follows:

By phone: +49-511-717054 during normal office hours Monday to Friday
By fax: +49-511-717083
By letter or postcard to:
Nicola Krämer, Lister Damm 13, 30163 Hannover, Germany
Or simply order online in our web shop.
Tracking your shipment:
If we ship by DHL parcel (but not for envelopes), you will receive an automatic email when we ship which tells you the parcel number. Click on the internet address (URL) in the email to go to the online DHL service for parcel tracking which tells you about the status of your shipment. This online tracking service is only possible for destinations in W. Europe.

Further important terms of business:
The following terms of business apply to all orders, offers, shipments and services. You can find information on cancelling your order on a separate page "Cancellation".
For security reasons your address and ordering information are handled confidentially in accordance with our privacy policy. Older versions of the terms of business loose their validity when a newer version is published. 
  1. Acceptance of your order
  2. Shipment and delivery times
  3. Sending back the goods
  4. Payment
  5. What to do in case of transport damage
  6. Warranty
  7. Other points
1. Acceptance of your order
You have made a binding purchase agreement as soon as you have received the confirmation email or the items you have ordered. You have made the agreement with Nicola Krämer, Lister Damm 13, D-30163 Hannover, Germany. The applicable price for the goods is the price which was valid when you placed your order. Older versions of the product catalogue and price list loose their validity when newer versions are published. The terms "product catalogue" and "price list" also refer to the online versions in our shop.
2. Shipment and delivery times
Delivery times are shown in the descriptions of the products.
We ship by post in an envelope (max. 100 innoculated plugs) or as a DHL parcel (larger shipments).
Within Germany, we can also ship to a DHL Packstation (automated parcel collection service).
3. Sending back the goods
How to send back the goods
Use the original packing material if possible. Shipments up to 2 kg in weight can be sent as a small packet, up to 20 kg as a DHL Parcel. Suitable address labels should be available from any post office.
We will require proof that you have returned the goods (e.g. receipt from the post office).
Important: For hygienic reasons, you can only send back mushroom spawn, dried mushrooms or mushroom powder if you have not opened the original packaging.
Please write to us if you want to return shipments which weigh above 20 kg. We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the best way to ship.
Partial returns
If you want to return only part of the order, please pay the amount on the invoice minus the gross value of the goods you want to return.
Crediting your account
To allow us to credit your account if necessary, please tell us your bank details (account holder, IBAN and BIC or account number and sort code). We will credit your account without sending a separate email or letter.
If you would like a different arrangement, e.g. you want to order something else instead, please let us know in writing.
4. Payment
Payments within Germany
Orders for shipment within Germany do not normally require advance payment provided that you give us your phone number when you order (no mobile phone numbers, please).
Advance payment or a down payment may be required in special cases (e.g. very large orders or special orders above 200 Euro in value). We will let you know in this case.
An invoice will be included with the shipment (or the first shipment in case of partial delivery). The invoice must be paid within 10 days by bank transfer. The invoice includes all necessary details of our bank account.
When you make your payment, please enter the invoice number (or the Order ID from the order confirmation email - letter S plus 4-or 5-digit number) as "notice to payee".
COD (cash on delivery):
When the delivery arrives, you must pay the postman the total amount including charges for the COD service (6,00 Euro).
Shipments outside of Germany
Payments for shipments outside of Germany must be made in advance by bank transfer, PayPal or credit card. Payment by COD is only possible for shipments within Germany.
Bank transfer
Please use the IBAN and BIC bank code which is shown in the order confirmation email. When you make your payment, please enter the Order ID from the order confirmation email (letter S plus 4- or 5-digit number) as "notice to payee". UK customers: We also have UK bank account which may be more convenient for you - ask us for the account number and sort code.

This Internet payment system is free of charge for customers, includes buyer protection and simplifies international payments. See PayPal www.paypal.com for more information.
Our PayPal address for payments (not for messages) is info@shii-take.de
5. What to do in case of transport damage? 
Shipments within Germany:
Visible transport damage should be notified immediately to the postman. Please ask the postman to write and sign a note about this. If the goods are also damaged, let us know as quickly as possible.
Please notify us in writing about the damage without delay, at the latest 24 hours after receiving the goods.
Keep the damaged goods and the packaging until the claim has been settled. You may need to prove the damage or show it to DHL.
Shipments outside of Germany:
According to the terms of business of DHL, for shipments outside of Germany you - as the recipient of the goods - must notify the damage to the DHL office in your country within 7 days.
Keep the damaged goods and the packaging until the claim has been settled. You may need to prove the damage or show it to the DHL office in your country.
DHL contacts for notifying transport damage (examples):
Austria: DHL Express Customer Service tel. 0820-55 05 05. For further information see www.dhl.at.
Switzerland: DHL Customer Service tel. 0848 711 711. For further information see www.dhl.ch.
When you contact DHL: They will ask for the parcel number which is on the address label. If you are not certain about this, ask us for the parcel number.
For DHL in other countries: Go to the DHL web page with the internet code for your country (example: England www.dhl.co.uk, Sweden www.dhl.se and France www.dhl.fr) to get the phone number for the customer service.
Please contact us if you need help for other countries.
6. Warranty
Please keep the invoice. The statutory warranty conditions apply.
Mushroom spawn is a consumable product and accordingly does not carry a warranty. All our growing guides for mushroom spawn have been carefully written and tested. However, we cannot offer a guarantee that the mushroom cultures will grow as expected and will not entertain any claims in this respect. We recommend you to exactly follow the instructions in our guides.
7. Other points
Our offer is subject to change without notice.
Purchase or delivery agreements which you make with us - including orders for shipment to or from other countries - are subject to German law.
Place of jurisdiction:
The place of jurisdiction is Hannover, Germany provided that both parties are general merchants.
All displayed prices include the currently applicable VAT for Germany.
All photos and illustrations on our web site and printed materials are protected by § 72 of the German copyright laws.
All supplied goods remain the property of Nicola Krämer until they are fully paid.