Mushroom spawn for logs
Mushroom spawn is a substrate, usually containing grain, which is a food source for the mushroom mycelium. This is why mushroom spawn is also called grain spawn. It can be used for growing edible mushrooms (mushroom cultivation) on logs, tree stumps, stumps or billets. A chainsaw is needed to make these mushroom cultures by sawing wedge-shaped cuts into the wood and filling them with mushroom spawn. Or you can drill holes in the wood and fill them with the spawn. In a few months, the mushroom mycelium grows throughout the wood and the ‘inoculated’ wood becomes a mushroom culture in your own garden. Fresh mushrooms can be harvested from this for many years.
Growing mushrooms with inoculated plugs
If you don't have a chainsaw, you can also use our inoculated plugs. These are wooden dowels with the mushroom mycelium growing inside of them. This is how it works: Drill holes, hammer in the mushroom dowels and wait for the growth phase of several months. Fresh mushrooms can also be harvested from these mushroom logs for many years.
Plizbrutversand Krämer - Mushroom spawn mail order since 1999
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