Books on the subject of mushroom cultivation
We are happy to supply you with::
✓ ""Pilze selbst anbauen in Haus und Garten" (eng: Growing mushrooms indoor and in th garden)
from Nicola Krämer und Jolanda Englbrecht, Ulmer Publishing 2021, 192 pages, 161 colour photos and various drawings, on paper or as eBook. Unfortunately only available in German language. A Romanian language version is available in Romania.
Nicola Krämer is the owner of this online shop
✓ "Vegetarisch kochen mit Pilzen - Steinpilz, Seitling, Shiitake & Co. Vollwertige Rezepte" (Vegetarian Cooking with Mushrooms – Porcini mushrooms, Oyster mushrooms, Shiitake etc. Healthy recipes)’ by Herbert Walker, pala Publishing, 160 pages. Unfortunately only available from us in German language
Plizbrutversand Krämer - Mushroom spawn mail order since 1999
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